

Come on in and sit a spell. I'll be right back. The river is rising here in the Ohio Valley, so I'm checking my escape routes and securing my stash of carrots in the back of the burrow. You may post a comment while you wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gathered by your blog entries that you are a fellow nature lover. I too love nature and its wonders! You have likened yourself to the Groundhog and I will liken myself to the Prairie dog. When I lived in Colorado (my favorite state, I LOVE the mountains!) I watched the cute Prairie dogs running in and out of their burrows in the prairie grass field from my dorm room window .

Prairie dogs spend more than half their lives within their burrows. I am pretty much a “home body” (the older I get the more I want to stay in the comforts of my home). "If the prairie dog goes, so goes an entire ecosystem. Prairie dogs create diversity. Destroy them and you destroy a varied world." ~Terry Tempest Williams. I too, often create diversity.

Dreamer- Ozzy Osbourne
Gazing through the window at the world outside
Wondering will mother earth survive
Hoping that mankind will stop abusing her
Some time…

The Wonder of It All by Ralph Marston
Do you ever wonder
At the wonder of it all?

Do you ever stand in awe
of the tiniest things
and how perfectly they work together?

Do you ever stop to think
about all the possibilities
and how even though they have no limit they grow in number with every minute?

Do you ever wonder
when the leaves flutter down in autumn at the incomprehensible power of life that brings them back in spring?

Do you watch the waves roll in
and then look out far beyond them
where the water seems to touch the sky and realize that the vast expanse before your eyes
is only a small little corner of all there really is?

And do you comprehend that all there really is,as unimaginably grand as it may seem,is only a smaller corner still of all that there can be?

Do you ever wonder how love can stay alive past every pleasure and every pain and even when there can be no hope there is more than ever?

Do you ever struggle to lift a heavy rock and wonder how a massive mountain can rise
thousands of feet above the plain
without even trying?

Do you ever realize that
no matter how much you may know,
no matter how many wonders you may have experienced, there will always, always be more?

Do you ever wonder
why it is you wonder
and why you know what beauty is
even though you can't define it?

Do you ever wonder
who is doing the wondering,
who is looking out through your eyes and feeling completely at home
with the wonder of it all?

Whatever you believe,
whatever you profess,
whatever you doubt or fear or hope for,there are some things
your heart cannot deny when you let go and let yourself know
the wonder of it all.

NOTE: The poem used in this presentation is from Ralph Marston's latest book, "Living the Wonder of It All." For more information on the book, and to download a free sample, go to Copyright © 2003 Ralph S. Marston, Jr.

Hopefully my writing this comment will get your blog rolling with conversations on nature, life and the wonder of it all. ~ Juanita